Bellow you can find my favorite builds of various Historic decks sorted by power level. You can also use the search tool to find things based on various parameters.

Decks listed in this section are ones that have posted results consistently in tournaments.

Decks listed in this section are ones that feel reasonable to me after playing them, but have yet to put up consistent finishes. These are decks that with good play and more tuning I believe could eventually slide into the proven decks of the format with good event results.

These are decks that we play on stream because people like them, but they tend to have a few too many poor match ups in the format to be something I think will ever be a major player in Historic. They can be fun and powerful in the right meta game though.

Decks listed in this section are all doing something that is incredibly sweet when it works, but either lack consistency or are weak to disruption. They are a blast to play though.